Energy Access Programs

is committed to providing reliable and clean energy access in rural areas that are not covered by the national electricity grid, improving energy access and delivering impact to community livelihood and local businesses

The Government of  Myanmar adopted the National Electrification Plan in 2014 to achieve universal access to sustainable electricity services by 2030.

“World Bank Result-Based Financing is targeting 450,000+ households” 

3+ millions

potential customers

Achieving universal energy access by 2030 will require a mix of commercial investment and community programs tailored to those who cannot access or afford energy solutions without support.

That’s why, in collaboration with communities and a diverse range of partner organizations, our Social Investment teams develop marketbased programs that provide access to clean and affordable energy for some of the world’s most remote and vulnerable people. Approximately 789 million people still lack access to electricity and about 3 billion people rely on wood, charcoal, crop waste and coal for cooking and heating based. Access to clean, affordable and reliable energy is vital for social and economic development and to power sustainable growth. It is needed to improve livelihood in developing countries, ensuring access to clean water, cooking and health care. Sustainable energy also powers agriculture, commerce and industry, thus creating prosperity, jobs and opportunities. Likewise, addresses environmental degradation and tackles climate change
Set San, Myanmar

Providing Electricity to 8000 people + businesses and schools using renewables

Enabling Access to Energy and Finance
Our Application
Energy Access in Myanmar

Solatec has been absolutely the best to work with. Their attention to detail and customer support was amazing!!

Solatec has been absolutely the best to work with. Their attention to detail and customer support was amazing!!

Solatec has been absolutely the best to work with. Their attention to detail and customer support was amazing!!

Solatec has been absolutely the best to work with. Their attention to detail and customer support was amazing!!

Solatec has been absolutely the best to work with. Their attention to detail and customer support was amazing!!

SOL Partners Energy in Numbers
1 +
Feasibility Studies for electrification of rural areas
1 +
Mini grids to provide clean energy access in rural energy
1 +
People connected to electricity
1 +
Smart meter installed across Myanmar
Our Projects Help Develope & Grow Community

Village Health Centers Use Refrigerators to Store Medical Supplies

Electricity for Meetings Households Needs

Children Have Longer Hours for Study and More Computer Lesson

Farmers Process Fruits and Vegetables and press sunflower seeds into oil

Barbers Butchers and Restaurant Operations Extend Business Hours